Here is the CMT Uptime check phrase

Demographic Analysis & Population Projections, Census Bureau

This workshop provides training in the production of population estimates and projections as well as the evaluation of data quality. Key tools include the Census Bureau’s Demographic Analysis and Population Projections System (DAPPS) and Population Analysis System...

RAND Summer Institute: Mini-Medical School for Social Scientists

The Mini-Medical School is an invitational series of lectures about biomedical issues relating to aging. The program should be of interest to all non-medically trained scholars whose research relates to the aging process and the medical treatment of elderly. It is...

Introduction to Applied Data Analysis, Census Bureau

This workshop will present the main components of data analysis usiing modern computational tools. Hands-on exercises will allow participants to apply the analytic techniques and computational methods covered during the workshop and to become familiar with the...

The Science of Dissemination and Implementation in Health

Co-hosted by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and AcademyHealth, this annual conference bridges the gap between evidence, practice, and policy in health and health care. The 2017 conference will focus the challenges and opportunities in making large-scale gains...

NIA Directors Regional Meeting on Aging Research

The purpose of this meeting is to provide information on existing opportunities for research and training, technical assistance in grant writing, advice on the design of new research proposals, and to facilitate recruitment of a diverse cohort of students and...