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New Studies Identify Early Warning Signs of Dementia

Brain changes, weight loss, and even infection history could help pinpoint who might be at risk Alzheimer’s disease and other related dementias are characterized by progressive cognitive decline, and with an aging population, the number of older Americans with...

CAPS-Syracuse Awards & Scientific Appointments

Colleen Heflin was appointed to a three-year term on the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine’s Committee on National Statistics (CNSTAT). Colleen Heflin recently accepted a 4 year appointment to the Population Association of America (PAA)...

New Publications from CAPS-Syracuse

Research Briefs Scott Landes, Bonnielin K. Swenor, and Jean P. Hall. 2024. It is Time to Stop Using the Washington Group Questions to Measure Disability in U.S. Federal Surveys. Lerner Center Population Health Research Brief #121. Ali Jones and Marc A. Garcia. 2024....

The Advances in Social Genomics Conference: Call for Papers

The Advances in Social Genomics Conference Series (TAGC) May 14-16, 2025 UW-Madison Deadline for submissions: March 7, 2025 With support from the National Institute of Aging, the La Follette School for Public Affairs and Initiative in Social Genomics at the University...