a Seminar

Friday, 12/03/2021, 12:00 pm.   ARCHIVED EVENT

sarah pattersonThe NHATS/NSOC Virtual Research in Progress Seminar will be held on Friday, December 3, 12:00 – 1:00 pm EST over Zoom and will be presented by Sarah Patterson, a research investigator with the Michigan Center on the Demography of Aging (MiCDA).

The title of her talk is “An Update on Disability and Care Needs Among Older Americans.”

RSVP to [email protected]. Zoom details to follow.

If you have questions or are interested in presenting at a future seminar, please contact Mengyao Hu ([email protected]). We have openings for spring 2022.

Please feel free to share this invitation with colleagues and/or project staff.

Dr Patterson’s research interests span demographic shifts in life expectancy, family structure, and gendered patterns of caregiving and employment converge to create new and ever-changing forms of social inequality. Dr. Patterson’s research is concerned with how, in this changing demographic environment, enduring norms and expectations around families and for individual family members function across three domains. First, she explores the demography of aging, or how population aging in tandem with changing family forms contribute to social inequality across the life course. Second, she explores family demography and intergenerational inequality, or how family structure changes and norms around family roles contribute to inequality across and between generations. And third, Dr. Patterson explores gender inequality at the work and family nexus, or how work and family individually and interactively contribute to trends in gender inequality. Her projects cover a range of topics including caregiving, work, education, and mortality.

Additional information about NHATS and NSOC is available at nhats.org