a Training
Monday, 06/24/2019. ARCHIVED EVENT
Location: ISR
First Session, June 24 – July 19, 2019
Since 1963, the Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR) has offered the ICPSR Summer Program in Quantitative Methods of Social Research as a complement to its data services. The ICPSR Summer Program provides rigorous, hands-on training in statistical techniques, research methodologies, and data analysis. ICPSR Summer Program courses emphasize the integration of methodological strategies with the theoretical and practical concerns that arise in research on substantive issues. The Summer Program’s broad curriculum is designed to fulfill the needs of researchers throughout their careers. Participants in each year’s Summer Program generally represent about 30 different disciplines from more than 350 colleges, universities, and organizations around the world. Because of the premier quality of instruction and unparalleled opportunities for networking, the ICPSR Summer Program is internationally recognized as the leader for training in research methodologies and technologies used across the social, behavioral, and medical sciences.
The Mission of the Summer Program:
To offer instruction for the primary development and “upgrading” of quantitative skills by college and university faculty and by nonacademic research scholars
To extend the scope and depth of analytic skills for graduate participants, college and university faculty, and research scientists from the public sector
To furnish training for those individuals who expect to become practicing social methodologists
To provide opportunities for social scientists to study those methodologies that have special bearing on specific substantive issues
To create an environment that facilitates an exchange of ideas related to the development of methodologies on the frontier of social research