Minnesota Life Course Center (LCC) Pilot Project Presentations

Monday, 11/22/2021, 1:15 pm.   ARCHIVED EVENT

The Minnesota Life Course Center (LCC) presents, Year 1 Pilot Project Presentations

Rural-Urban Differences in 5-Year Mortality among Older Adults in the United States: The Role of Socio-Demographic and Health Characteristics, Living Arrangements, and Spousal Mortality
Carrie Henning-Smith – Health Policy and Management, University of Minnesota
Julia Drew – IPUMS

The Budgetary Impact of Assisted Living Availability on State Medicaid Spending on LTSS
Lynn Blewett – Health Policy and Management, University of Minnesota

Do Grandparents Moderate the Association Between Early Life Conditions and Health at Older Ages?
Evan Roberts – Sociology, University of Minnesota
Anna Prizment – Division of Hematology, Oncology, and Transplantation, University of Minnesota Medical School

The Impacts of Extreme Weather on Older Adults’ Time Use
Sarah Flood – IPUMS
Jesse Berman – Environmental Health Science, University of Minnesota
Kathryn Grace – Geography, University of Minnesota
David Van Riper – Institute for Social Research and Data Innovation, University of Minnesota

The Paradox of Racial Disparities in Alzheimer’s Disease
Rachel Hardeman – Center for Antiracism Research for Health Equity, University of Minnesota
Samuel L. Myers, Jr. – Public Policy, Hubert H. Humphrey School of Public Affairs University of Minnesota


These seminars are designed for researchers studying issues at the intersections of topics related to the life course and demography. The University of Minnesota community and friends of the Life Course Center are welcome to attend.