a Conference
Friday, 05/28/2021. ARCHIVED EVENT
The Michigan Center to Accelerate Population Research in Alzheimer’s (CAPRA) and the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) are hosting a conference on Research Opportunities in the Economics of Alzheimer’s Disease and Cognitive Decline Spring 2021.
ORGANIZERS: Julie Bynum and Jonathan S. Skinner.
The meeting will be livestreamed on the NBER’s YouTube channel. You are welcome to share the program and YouTube links with students, colleagues, or others who might be interested.
NBER conferences are by invitation. All participants are expected to comply with the NBER’s Conference Code of Conduct.
This conference is supported by Grant #P30AG012810 from the National Institute on Aging to the NBER and by Grant #P30AG066582 from the National Institute on Aging to the Michigan Center to Accelerate Population Research in Alzheimer’s