a Workshop
Wednesday, 11/30/2022 to 11/30/2022. ARCHIVED EVENT
You are invited to a participate in an Applied Multilevel Models workshop, held virtually on November 30th, 1-5pm EST. Given the NLCHDD’s focus this year on how multiple “layers” of geography (e.g., states, counties, neighborhoods) shape health and aging across the life course, the NLCHDD collaborated with the University of Michigan’s Population Dynamics and Health Program to provide this workshop.
Topics covered:
- An overview of the multilevel model, including terminology and notation
- Understanding the difference between fixed and random effects
- How to include, interpret, and evaluate predictor variables across levels of analysis
- Hands-on practice with multilevel models in Stata, SAS, SPSS, and R, using data from the American Community Survey
For more information and to register, visit the PDHP event page.