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University of California, Berkeley

CEDA supports cutting-edge discovery and dissemination of knowledge on the demography of aging by supporting new research via pilot project funding; providing support for programming, computing, and data access; facilitating and encouraging interdisciplinary interactions and innovation; organizing conferences and seminars; supporting junior faculty development; and disseminating research findings.

Research Themes
Biology, genetics and demography of aging; Consequences of U.S. and global aging; Health trends and disparities; Determinants of health, well-being and longevity; Population, economic and health forecasting; Behavioral economics.

News Archive and Newsletter
Population Sciences News | Email [email protected] with your request to subscribe to PopSci Weekly News.

Pilot Projects

  • 2024. Andrew Kim. Intergenerational effects of maternal prenatal stress on adult offspring glucocorticoid resistance and psychiatric morbidity in Soweto, South Africa: a study of accelerated immunosenescence.

    Priority Research Areas: Biology, Genetics and Demography of Aging

  • 2024. Catalina Amuedo-Dorantes. Immigration Enforcement and Quality of Care Provided by Home Health Agencies.

    Priority Research Areas: Disability, Health Care and Long-Term Care, Determinants of Health, Well-Being and Longevity

  • 2024. Dennis Feehan. Evaluating humanitarian surveys as a potential resource for understanding mortality in Sub-Saharan Africa.

    Priority Research Areas: Population, Economic and Health Forecasting, Mortality Measurement

  • 2024. Ethan Ligon. The Effect of Old Age Pensions on Nutritional Outcomes: Evidence from the Zanzibar Universal Pension Scheme.

    Priority Research Areas: Determinants of Health, Well-Being and Longevity, Population, Economic and Health Forecasting

  • 2024. Layla Kwong. How does heat stress affect telomere length? A pilot randomized controlled trial in urban Bangladesh.

    Priority Research Areas: Determinants of Health, Well-Being and Longevity, Effects of Interventions on Population Health

  • 2024. Magali Barbieri. Improving the measurement mortality at ages 80 years and above in aging populations.

    Priority Research Areas: Mortality Measurements

  • 2023. Lisa Barcellos. Effects of Wildfire Smoke Exposure on the Epigenome and Health in a Multi-Ethnic Cohort.

    Priority Research Areas: Determinants of Health, Well-Being and Longevity, Biology, Genetics and Demography of Aging

  • 2023. Michael Walker. Unconditional cash transfers and aging: experimental evidence from Kenya.

    Priority Research Areas: Determinants of Health, Well-Being and Longevity, Cognitive Aging and the Demography of Dementia

  • 2023. Rebecca Staiger. How does chronic condition care received in Medicaid affect health utilization and outcomes in Medicare?.

    Priority Research Areas: Disability, Health Care and Long-Term Care

  • 2023. Rosemarie de la Rosa. Longitudinal analysis of childhood adversity and epigenetic aging.

    Priority Research Areas: Biology, Genetics and Demography of Aging

  • 2022. Joseph Shapiro, UC Berkeley. Drinking Water Quality, the Health of Older Americans, and Inequality.

    Priority Research Areas: Health Trends and Disparities

  • 2022. Ming Hsu, UC Berkeley. Vulnerability of Older individuals To Financial Fraud: Insights from Behavioral and Neural Evidence.

    Priority Research Areas: Cognitive Aging and the Demography of Dementia

  • 2022. Ned Augenblick, UC Berkeley. Identifying the Effects of Administrative Complexity on Healthcare Provision and Health Outcomes.

    Priority Research Areas: Disability, Health Care and Long-Term Care

  • 2022. Sarah Reynolds, UC Berkeley. Grandparent and grandchild coresidency: Prevalence and impact on grandparents'health, cognitions & well-being.

    Priority Research Areas: Determinants of Health, Well-Being and Longevity, Cognitive Aging and the Demography of Dementia

  • 2022. Shripad Tuljapurkar, Stanford. Spatial and Temporal Variation in Age at Death in the US.

    Priority Research Areas: Mortality Measurements

  • 2021. Amanda Brewster, UC Berkeley. Is Home and Community-Based Services access and quality better when providers have a greater social service focus.

    Priority Research Areas: Disability, Health Care and Long-Term Care

  • 2021. Dennis Feehan, UC Berkeley. Social network methods for estimating adult death rates in the absence of vital registration.

    Priority Research Areas: Mortality Measurements in LMIC

  • 2021. William H. Dow, UC Berkeley. Long-Term Effects of Social Insurance on Adult Mortality in Mexico.

    Priority Research Areas: Disability, Health Care and Long-Term Care

  • 2021. David Levine, UC Berkeley. Can theories of social identity and of nudges increase uptake of a vaccine against COVID-19? .

    Priority Research Areas: Effects of Interventions on Population Health

  • 2021. Magali Barbieri, UC Berkeley. The Mortality Burden of COVID-19 in the U.S. – A Case Study in Minnesota.

    Priority Research Areas: Health Trends and Disparities

  • 2021. Ben Handel, UC Berkeley. Can Tele-Medicine Increase Access and Make Health Care Delivery More Accessible? Understanding the Impact of COVID-19 on Chronic Disease Treatment and Outcomes.

    Priority Research Areas: Determinants of Health, Well-Being and Longevity, Effects of Interventions on Population Health

  • 2021. Paul Gertler, UC Berkeley. Using mHealth Technology to Improve Retention in Care and Health of Chronic Patients .

    Priority Research Areas: Disability, Health Care and Long-Term Care

  • 2020. Gretchen Donehower, UC Berkeley. Population Aging and the demand for paid and unpaid care: the US in international context.

    Dates subject to NOA

  • 2020. Jim Carey, UC Davis. Recording Lifetime Activity, sleep patterns and reproduction to assess health span and predict time-to-death in the Mediterranean fruit fly.

    At UC Davis Dates subject to NOA

  • 2020. Justin White, UC Berkeley . A Pilot Trial of Gamification for Enhancing a Smoking Cessation App.

    At UCSF Dates subject to NOA

  • 2020. Paul Gertler, UC Berkeley. How Excess Sugar Consumption Early in Life Affects Health in Adulthood.

    Dates subject to NOA

Center-Supported Publications

Center Administration/Media Contact: [email protected]