University of California, Berkeley
Research Themes
Biology, genetics and demography of aging; Consequences of U.S. and global aging; Health trends and disparities; Determinants of health, well-being and longevity; Population, economic and health forecasting; Behavioral economics.
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Pilot Projects
2024. Andrew Kim. Intergenerational effects of maternal prenatal stress on adult offspring glucocorticoid resistance and psychiatric morbidity in Soweto, South Africa: a study of accelerated immunosenescence.
Priority Research Areas: Biology, Genetics and Demography of Aging
2024. Catalina Amuedo-Dorantes. Immigration Enforcement and Quality of Care Provided by Home Health Agencies.
Priority Research Areas: Disability, Health Care and Long-Term Care, Determinants of Health, Well-Being and Longevity
2024. Dennis Feehan. Evaluating humanitarian surveys as a potential resource for understanding mortality in Sub-Saharan Africa.
Priority Research Areas: Population, Economic and Health Forecasting, Mortality Measurement
2024. Ethan Ligon. The Effect of Old Age Pensions on Nutritional Outcomes: Evidence from the Zanzibar Universal Pension Scheme.
Priority Research Areas: Determinants of Health, Well-Being and Longevity, Population, Economic and Health Forecasting
2024. Layla Kwong. How does heat stress affect telomere length? A pilot randomized controlled trial in urban Bangladesh.
Priority Research Areas: Determinants of Health, Well-Being and Longevity, Effects of Interventions on Population Health
2024. Magali Barbieri. Improving the measurement mortality at ages 80 years and above in aging populations.
Priority Research Areas: Mortality Measurements
2023. Lisa Barcellos. Effects of Wildfire Smoke Exposure on the Epigenome and Health in a Multi-Ethnic Cohort.
Priority Research Areas: Determinants of Health, Well-Being and Longevity, Biology, Genetics and Demography of Aging
2023. Michael Walker. Unconditional cash transfers and aging: experimental evidence from Kenya.
Priority Research Areas: Determinants of Health, Well-Being and Longevity, Cognitive Aging and the Demography of Dementia
2023. Rebecca Staiger. How does chronic condition care received in Medicaid affect health utilization and outcomes in Medicare?.
Priority Research Areas: Disability, Health Care and Long-Term Care
2023. Rosemarie de la Rosa. Longitudinal analysis of childhood adversity and epigenetic aging.
Priority Research Areas: Biology, Genetics and Demography of Aging
2022. Joseph Shapiro, UC Berkeley. Drinking Water Quality, the Health of Older Americans, and Inequality.
Priority Research Areas: Health Trends and Disparities
2022. Ming Hsu, UC Berkeley. Vulnerability of Older individuals To Financial Fraud: Insights from Behavioral and Neural Evidence.
Priority Research Areas: Cognitive Aging and the Demography of Dementia
2022. Ned Augenblick, UC Berkeley. Identifying the Effects of Administrative Complexity on Healthcare Provision and Health Outcomes.
Priority Research Areas: Disability, Health Care and Long-Term Care
2022. Sarah Reynolds, UC Berkeley. Grandparent and grandchild coresidency: Prevalence and impact on grandparents'health, cognitions & well-being.
Priority Research Areas: Determinants of Health, Well-Being and Longevity, Cognitive Aging and the Demography of Dementia
2022. Shripad Tuljapurkar, Stanford. Spatial and Temporal Variation in Age at Death in the US.
Priority Research Areas: Mortality Measurements
2021. Amanda Brewster, UC Berkeley. Is Home and Community-Based Services access and quality better when providers have a greater social service focus.
Priority Research Areas: Disability, Health Care and Long-Term Care
2021. Dennis Feehan, UC Berkeley. Social network methods for estimating adult death rates in the absence of vital registration.
Priority Research Areas: Mortality Measurements in LMIC
2021. William H. Dow, UC Berkeley. Long-Term Effects of Social Insurance on Adult Mortality in Mexico.
Priority Research Areas: Disability, Health Care and Long-Term Care
2021. David Levine, UC Berkeley. Can theories of social identity and of nudges increase uptake of a vaccine against COVID-19? .
Priority Research Areas: Effects of Interventions on Population Health
2021. Magali Barbieri, UC Berkeley. The Mortality Burden of COVID-19 in the U.S. – A Case Study in Minnesota.
Priority Research Areas: Health Trends and Disparities
2021. Ben Handel, UC Berkeley. Can Tele-Medicine Increase Access and Make Health Care Delivery More Accessible? Understanding the Impact of COVID-19 on Chronic Disease Treatment and Outcomes.
Priority Research Areas: Determinants of Health, Well-Being and Longevity, Effects of Interventions on Population Health
2021. Paul Gertler, UC Berkeley. Using mHealth Technology to Improve Retention in Care and Health of Chronic Patients .
Priority Research Areas: Disability, Health Care and Long-Term Care
2020. Gretchen Donehower, UC Berkeley. Population Aging and the demand for paid and unpaid care: the US in international context.
Dates subject to NOA
2020. Jim Carey, UC Davis. Recording Lifetime Activity, sleep patterns and reproduction to assess health span and predict time-to-death in the Mediterranean fruit fly.
At UC Davis Dates subject to NOA
2020. Justin White, UC Berkeley . A Pilot Trial of Gamification for Enhancing a Smoking Cessation App.
At UCSF Dates subject to NOA
2020. Paul Gertler, UC Berkeley. How Excess Sugar Consumption Early in Life Affects Health in Adulthood.
Dates subject to NOA
Center-Supported Publications
Beyond the underlying cause of death: an algorithm to study multi-morbidity at death
Daily Activity Profiles over the Lifespan of Female Medflies as Biomarkers of Aging and Longevity
Longitudinal activity monitoring and lifespan: quantifying the interface
Acceptability of heart rate-based remote monitoring of smoking status
CenSoc: Public Linked Administrative Mortality Records for Individual-level Research
Educational gradient in social network changes at disease diagnosis
Centenarian clocks: epigenetic clocks for validating claims of exceptional longevity
Congressional Symmetry: Years Remaining Mirror Years Served in the U.S. House and Senate
Congressional symmetry: years remaining mirror years served in the U.S. House and Senate
Stationary status of discrete and continuous age-structured population models
Artificial diet alters activity and rest patterns in the olive fruit fly
Connecting Fathers: Fathers' Impact on Adult Children's Social Networks
Life course transitions and changes in network ties among younger and older adults
Socioeconomic Disparities Do Not Explain the U.S. International Disadvantage in Mortality
The US Midlife Mortality Crisis Continues: Excess Cause-Specific Mortality During 2020
Network Support and Negative Life Events Associated With Chronic Cardiometabolic Disease Outcomes
Electronic recording of lifetime locomotory activity patterns of adult medflies
Can targeted messages reduce COVID-19 vaccination hesitancy? A randomized trial
County-level socio-economic disparities in COVID-19 mortality in the USA
County-level socio-economic disparities in COVID-19 mortality in the USA
Race/Ethnic Differences, Skin Tone, and Memory Among Older Latinos in the United States
Cuba's cardiovascular risk factors: International comparison of levels and education gradients
Geographically-targeted COVID-19 vaccination is more equitable than age-based thresholds alone
Vaccinating the oldest against COVID-19 saves both the most lives and most years of life
The short-term mortality fluctuation data series, monitoring mortality shocks across time and space
Different Discussion Partners and Their Effect on Depression among Older Adults
Distinctive egg-laying patterns in terminal versus non-terminal periods in three fruit fly species
Network Support and Negative Life Events Associated With Chronic Cardiometabolic Disease Outcomes
Augmenting Frontal Dopamine Tone Enhances Maintenance over Gating Processes in Working Memory
Retrieval-constrained valuation: Toward prediction of open-ended decisions
Estimating Adult Death Rates From Sibling Histories: A Network Approach
Improved measurement of racial/ethnic disparities in COVID-19 mortality in the United States
As the Wind Blows: The Effects of Long-Term Exposure to Air Pollution on Mortality
Demographic perspectives on the mortality of COVID-19 and other epidemics
On Negative Heritability and Negative Estimates of Heritability
They Drive Me Crazy: Difficult Social Ties and Subjective Well-Being
Suicide, overdose and worker exit in a cohort of Michigan autoworkers
Personal networks and associations with psychological distress among young and older adults
A Hierarchical Bayesian Implementation of the Experience-Weighted Attraction Model
Age-related variability in decision-making: Insights from neurochemistry
The plateau of human mortality: Demography of longevity pioneers
Difficult People: Who Is Perceived to Be Demanding in Personal Networks and Why Are They There?
Statistical properties of simple random-effects models for genetic heritability
A Flexible Bayesian Model for Estimating Subnational Mortality
Neural Mechanisms of Updating under Reducible and Irreducible Uncertainty
Genotyping Oral Commensal Bacteria to Predict Social Contact and Structure
Cognitive neuroscience of honesty and deception: A signaling framework
The Best of Times, the Worst of Times: Understanding Pro-cyclical Mortality
The age-specific force of natural selection and biodemographic walls of death
Neuroeconomic measures of social decision-making across the lifespan
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