The American Economic Association, in conjunction with 59 associations in related disciplines known as the Allied Social Science Associations (ASSA), holds a three-day meeting each January to present papers on general economics topics. Thousands of the best minds in...
Join the National Academy of Medicine on January 24, 2019 for a webinar to discuss the NAM Special Publication The Future of Health Services Research: Advancing Health Systems Research and Practice in the United States. Date/Time: January 24, 2019, 1:00 – 2:30pm...
This seminar will present best practices on establishing a firm foundation for success in your research teams. The focus will particularly be on interdisciplinary teams. Drawing from the vast literature on team science, Holly H. Brower, Ph.D. will share key principles...
Co-sponsored by the UC-Berkeley Center on the Economics and Demography of Aging-CEDA and the USC/UCLA Center for Biodemography and Population Health, and following workshops held on this topic at USC and Berkeley in 2016, 2017, and 2018, this upcoming workshop is...
• How does bringing a population-based perspective to biological data change what we know about ourselves? • How best to do this type of research? • What’s going on in the Basement of ISR? ISR Perspectives presents Jessica Faul & Colter Mitchell as the next...