Abstracts for the 2022 Data-Intensive Research Conference are due March 18, 2022. The conference will be held in Minneapolis, MN and online from July 20-21, 2022. The 2022 theme is Contextualizing Work and Health across the Life Course. Please review the call for papers and submit an abstract for consideration by March 18.
The conference is sponsored by the Network for Data-Intensive Research on Aging (NDIRA) initiative, part of the University of Minnesota’s Life Course Center on the Demography and Economics of Aging. NDIRA seeks to build and support an emerging interdisciplinary community of scientists using novel collections of large-scale microdata and contextual data for research on population aging. Conference and workshop registration are free, and travel support is available through NDIRA.
A pre-conference workshop intended for NDIRA members (membership is free, join NDIRA now) interested in learning more about IPUMS data and leveraging it for aging and life course research will be held immediately before the conference on July 18-19. The workshop will provide a general overview of available data, highlight data resources related t the conference theme, provide opportunities to work with the data and discuss ideas with workshop facilitators and other participants. Workshop applications are open through April 11.