
Anthony OngMid-Career Trajectory in Affective Science Award celebrates the outstanding scientific impact of Society for Affective Science (SAS) members who received their PhD (or other terminal degree) more than 10 and fewer than 25 years prior to that year’s SAS meeting.

Dr. Anthony Ong’s research focuses on the pathways linking positive emotions to diverse aspects of psychological functioning and physical health. This work is conducted in studies involving adolescents and adults that incorporate standard laboratory experiments, implicit and explicit behavioral measures, psychophysiology, and intensive longitudinal methods. Dr. Ong has shown that enduring and fragile forms of positive affect exert both risk-protective and risk-augmenting effects on health. Whereas positive affect that is enduring is relatively stable, positive affect that is fragile reflects short-term fluctuations that are variable and subject to external influence. His work has been published in academic journals including Perspectives on Psychological Science, Emotion, Psychological Science, Development and Psychopathology, and JAMA Network Open.