
Inside NIA - A Blog for ResearchersNalini Raghavachari, Health Scientist Administrator, and Chhanda Dutta, Chief, Clinical Gerontology Branch, of the
Division of Geriatrics and Clinical Gerontology offer insights on the search for better biomarkers of aging.

Statistical trends show that by 2050, approximately a quarter of the world population will consist of older adults. This forecast highlights the need for strategies to promote healthy aging and the development of biological markers that can identify which individuals are at increased risk for age-related conditions and disabilities.

The risk and progression of multiple aging conditions can be influenced by several fundamental mechanisms and processes such as damage and repair of tissue components, alterations in cellular bioenergetics, and changes in genomic structure and function. Thus, the discovery of biomarkers — whether circulating in the body or in specific organs and tissues — can help us track and better understand how these mechanisms and processes affect long-term health outcomes. Biomarkers could also lead to better ways of testing new therapies to treat or prevent age-related conditions.

Read full blog post, “In Search of Better Biomarkers of Aging