an In The Media Appearance
"More primary care physicians leads to longer life spans" - Science Daily. 02/18/2019
"U.S. Primary Care Doctor Supply Has Improved But Not Everywhere" - Forbes. 02/18/2019
"Want to Live Longer? Move to Where There Are More Doctors" - US News & World Report. 02/19/2019
“For the study, published this week in JAMA Internal Medicine, researchers looked at physician counts per 100,000 people in a range covering 2005 to 2015 across 3,142 counties in the U.S., along with life expectancy and specific causes of death.
They found that an increase of 10 primary care physicians per 100,000 population was associated with a 51.5-day increase in life expectancy, while an increase of 10 specialty physicians per 100,000 population increased life expectancy by 19.2 days. An increase in primary care physicians also was associated with reductions of cardiovascular, cancer and respiratory deaths.”