an In The Media Appearance

"Western bias in human genetic studies is 'both scientifically damaging and unfair'" - EurekAlert. 03/21/2019

"Lack of Diversity in Genetic Datasets is Risky for Treating Disease" - The Scientist. 03/21/2019

"Human Genomics Research Has A Diversity Problem" - National Public Radio. 03/21/2019

"Genetic research has a white bias, and it may be hurting everyone's health" - PBS. 03/21/2019

Despite efforts to include more diversity in research, people of European ancestry continue to be vastly overrepresented and ethnically diverse populations largely excluded from human genomics research, according to the authors of a commentary published March 21 in a special issue of the journal Cell on human genetics. This lack of diversity in studies has serious consequences for science and medicine.


Sarah Tishkoff

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The Missing Diversity in Human Genetic Studies