Top tips for early career research grant applications from NIA


Dr. Ken Santora

In this NIA blogpost, Kenneth Santora,Director, NIA’s Division of Extramural Activities (DEA),  offers Top tips for early career research grant applications. This is to both advocate and coach early-career scientists as they navigate the complex world of applying for NIH grant support. Based on the average scientist’s career path, we define the early-career stage roughly as the period from when you receive your primary graduate degree (usually an M.D., Ph.D., or similar) through the first 10 years of research career.

Dr Santora virtually present some tips for this important career stage at the Gerontological Society of America’s annual meeting. For the full details, bookmark and view the full-length video of his talk at your own pace. Key points include:

  • Know your eligibility status before you apply
  • Read the full FOA before you apply and submit early
  • General grantsmanship tips
  • Lean on us!

Related Resources

Top tips for early career research grant applications (NIA Blog)