“A study co-authored by Tyson Brown of Duke has found COVID-19 is disproportionately affecting people of color in the United States. Researchers found that the difference between how COVID-19 affects older, white communities versus their Black and Latinx counterparts...
Phase 2.5 Open until Thursday, Sept. 3 Contribute to the PhenX COVID-19 Crowdsourcing Effort by participating in a short, anonymous survey. This activity should take you 5 to 10 minutes to complete. Your response will help PhenX create collections of recommended...
“The Benefits of Talking to Strangers” – New York Times. 08/03/2020 Dr. Karen Fingerman, U-Texas CAPS Co-Director, has shown that people who are more socially integrated are also more active physically. “Being sedentary kills you,” she said. “You...
The Population Reference Bureau: The United States doesn’t have the world’s oldest population, but relatively high levels of age-related disease could affect the proportion of Americans who become critically ill because of COVID-19.