an In The Media Appearance

On March 6, 2019, professor of health care policy David C. Grabowski, PhD, testified before the Senate Committee on Finance at the hearing, Not Forgotten: Protecting Americans from Abuse and Neglect in Nursing Homes.

“Grabowski cited four reasons in his testimony. First, we get what we pay for. Medicaid is the main payer of nursing home services. In many states, the cost of treating Medicaid residents exceeds the amount that Medicaid reimburses the homes for the care. Second, extensive quality of care regulations exist, but are often overlooked, and sanctions are not enforced. Third, many states have certificate-of-need regulations that serve as a barrier to entry and impede quality competition. Finally, many nursing home residents have high levels of impairment and little family support. As such, these residents are unable to monitor and oversee the quality of care.”


David C. Grabowski

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