Brooke McFall, Amanda Sonnega, Robert Willis, and Peter Hudomiet examine compositional changes in jobs held by older workers

an In The Media Appearance

"Best Jobs for Avoiding Forced Retirement" - Time. 03/23/2016

Using data from the Heath and Retirement Study, Brooke McFall, Amanda Sonnega, Robert Willis, and Peter Hudomiet analyzed how the prevalence of older workers in certain occupations has shifted over the past 14 years, and which job characteristics are associated with longer work force participation. While the number of older workers among freight handlers and machine operators has decreased, other occupations, such as postsecondary teachers, social workers, lawyers, judges, and real estate agents, have seen increases in older workers. In terms of characteristics, the researchers found that jobs that entail less physical effort and stress, that have not increased in difficulty in recent decades, and that allow workers to reduce hours if desired are all associated with longer work.


Peter Hudomiet

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