an In The Media Appearance

"Why Unretirement is Working for Older Americans" - RAND blog. 03/06/2018

"Retirement’s revolving door: Why some workers can’t call it quits" - USA Today. 12/07/2017

According to the BLS, older Americans now comprise the fastest growing segment of the US workforce. A recent analysis of RAND’s American Working Conditions Survey data by Nicole Maestas, Kathleen Mullen, David Powell, Till von Wachter, and Jeffrey Wenger sheds light on this shift. For instance, the researchers found that more than half of retirees 50 and older said they would work in the future for the right opportunity and 39% of workers over the age of 65 said they had previously “retired.” Mullen says: “What we found is consistent with retirement being a fluid concept. Significant numbers of older people move in and out of the workforce. Retirement isn’t necessarily permanent.”


Till Marco von Wachter

Nicole Maestas

Kathleen J. Mullen

David Powell

Jeffrey Wenger

Related Resources

Report: Working Conditions in the US