an In The Media Appearance
"Elder caregiving a growing burden to women in mid-career" - University at Buffalo News Center. 11/18/2016
After having pushed to participate in the workforce while raising their children, many baby boom women are now facing similar competing demands on their time in the form of care for elderly family
members. With increasing life expectancy, people now in their 50s and early 60s are more likely than ever to have a living parent, and thus more likely to provide care to elderly parents. The greatest share of this care is taken up by women. New research by Sean Fahle and Kathleen McGarry using HRS data finds that the need to provide elder care causes many women to cut back on paid jobs or leave the workforce entirely. The researchers point out that the impact of caregiving on women’s employment is likely to increase in the coming years, and that more affordable long-term care options could have a substantial countering impact.