Here is the CMT Uptime check phrase

Season 2, episode 8 of Minding Memory is now available

Personal Financial Problems and the Onset of Dementia A new episode of the CAPRA Minding Memory podcast is now available. In this episode Matt & Donovan speak with Dr. Lauren Nicholas, a health economist at the Colorado School of Public Health, about her recent...

Call for Applications: RCCN Pilot Awards

Seed Pilots for Aging Research Collaboration (SPARC): RCCN Pilot Grants to Promote Inter-NIA Center Collaborative Research Application Deadlines: April 1 and October 1 This mechanism provides funding to catalyze enduring collaborations for at least two collaborative...

MiCDA’s TRENDS Network Call for Papers

Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Dementia and Population Health Trends Due: March 1, 2023 The TRENDS Network at the University of Michigan seeks manuscript proposals on the topic of dementia and population health trends. The Network is interested in research from a...

Season 2, episode 7 of Minding Memory is now available

Emotional Burden & Depressive Symptoms in Caregivers A new episode of the CAPRA Minding Memory podcast is now available. In this episode, Donovan & Matt speak with Dr. Geoffrey Hoffman, a faculty member and researcher at the University of Michigan School of...