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Cross-Center Webinar: How State Contexts Impact Population Health

More Than a Feeling: How Social Connection Protects Health in Later Life

New publications and grant awards from CHABLIS associates

Linsday Kobayashi, Joshua Ehrlich & Vicki Freedman (MiCDA) guest edited the November 2024 supplemental issue of the Journals of Gerontology: Medical Sciences

Megan Huisingh-Scheetz (CHABLIS) received the Mid-Career Innovation Award

The Return of Minding Memory

Call for Abstracts: Workshop on Determinants of Adult Mortality, Morbidity, and Healthy Aging in LMICs

Julie Bynum (CAPRA) discusses new research with NPR and CNN

New Publication from CHABLIS (University of Chicago)

Announcements from CAPS (Syracuse)

New Publications from CAPS-Syracuse (July-August 2024)

Rural America Is Aging—Without Enough Care Workers (PRB)

New Publications from CAPS-Syracuse (May 2024)

New Publications from CAPS-Syracuse (April 2024)

New publications from PRB

More Than Shelter: How Housing Affordability Is Linked to Older Americans’ Health (PRB)

New Publications from CAPS (Syracuse)

Miriam Mutambudzi (CAPS-Syracuse) wins grant award from MetLife-Lender Center

Among Older Americans, Black and Hispanic People Are Much More Likely to Need Help at Home—and Go Without It (PRB)

RCCN Spring 2024 Webinar Series: A Guide to Applying for NIA K Career Development Awards

DEADLINE APPROACHING: RCCN Workshop Travel Awards: Nutrition and Aging Biology

Tiffany Kindratt (CAPRA) in New York Times

CAPS-Syracuse in the media

New Research Briefs from CAPS (Syracuse)

10 Things to Know About Older Americans’ Mental Health During the Pandemic

Seed Pilots for Aging Research Collaboration (SPARC): RCCN Pilot Grants to Promote Inter-NIA Center Collaborative Research

RCCN Workshop Travel Awards: Nutrition and Aging Biology

No Matter Where They Lived, Older Americans With Dementia Were More Likely to Die From COVID-19 (PRB)

HEADS Center Seminar Series

CAPS (UT-Austin) Call for Pilot Proposals on LGBTQ+ Aging

Call for Abstracts for GSA 2024 Gateway Symposium

Safer but Alone: How COVID-19 Protections Affected Older Adults’ Mental Health (PRB)

Season 3, episode 7 of Minding Memory is now available

New publications from CAPS-Syracuse


Seeking Equity in Aging

University of Chicago Pilot Project and Postdoctoral Fellowship Applications (CHABLIS)

Season 3, episodes 5 & 6 of Minding Memory are now available

How to determine the best NIA postdoc-to-faculty transition award opportunity

Jennifer Karas Montez in The Washington Post and Miriam Mutambudzi on WCNY’s Cycle of Health

Merril Silverstein (CAPS-Syracuse) Wins Grant Award

New Publications from CAPS (Syracuse) Affiliates

Season 3, episodes 3 & 4 of Minding Memory are now available

Call for Abstracts: NHATS/NSOC Conference on Caregiving to Older Adults with Dementia

Apply to attend the Annual Workshop on U.S. State Policies, Population Health, and Aging (CAPS-Syracuse)

CeASES ADRD Pilot Call

New $81M NIH Grant Will Help U.S. Answer Urgent Need For Better Dementia Care (Donovan Maust, CAPRA)

Season 3, episode 2 of Minding Memory is now available

Season 3, episode 1 of Minding Memory is now available

Call for Abstracts – 2024 LMIC Mortality & Healthy Aging Workshop

Off the Clock: Europeans Can Expect to Spend Over Half of Their Lives After Age 15 Providing Unpaid Care Work (PRB)

Research Centers Collaborative Network Pilot Awards

Announcing the State Policy & Politics Database from CAPS (Syracuse)

CAPS (Syracuse) Publication of the Week

Congratulations Jacqui Angel and Deb Umberson (CAPS-UT Austin) on their 2023 awards from the Gerontological Society of America

A recording of the EdSHARe webinar is available

Call for Papers (MiCDA): Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Dementia and Population Health Trends

Network on Life Course Health Dynamics and Disparities in 21st Century America (NLCHDD): Request for Pilot Proposals

Certain State Policies Are Linked to Better Health, Fewer Premature Deaths Among Working-Age Americans (PRB)

Happily Ever After? Research Offers Clues on What Shapes Happiness and Life Satisfaction after Age 65 (PRB)

Announcing the new RCCN Scholars Program in Multidisciplinary Research

The University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston Sealy Center on Aging Postdoctoral Fellow Positions

The 5Ts Framework launches new website to support inclusion of older adults in research

RCCN Funding & Career Development Opportunities

Call for Papers for: The Advances in Social Genomics Conference Series (TAGC)

Season 2, episode 8 of Minding Memory is now available

2023 Dementia Care and Caregiving Research Summit Registration is Now Open!

Call for Applications: RCCN Pilot Awards

MiCDA’s TRENDS Network Call for Papers

Season 2, episode 7 of Minding Memory is now available

Gateway Long-Term Care Seminar Series (CAPRA in partnership with the Gateway to Global Aging Data)

Life Expectancy Is Increasingly Tied to a State’s Policy Leanings (PRB)

Season 2, episode 6 of Minding Memory is now available


2023-2024 Pilot Proposals USC/UCLA CBPH

CeASES ADRD Pilot Call

Season 2, episode 4 of Minding Memory is now available

Inaugural CAPRA Data Brief: Differences in Self-Reported Cognitive Limitations by Race and Ethnicity

Courtney Polenick (MiCDA) discussed the results of a new poll finding a majority of older adults are caregivers for other seniors

Season 2, episode 2 of Minding Memory is now available

Aging Centers’ Affiliates at GSA 2022

Hopkins’ Economics of Alzheimer’s Disease & Services (HEADS) Center: Call for 2023-24 Pilot Project Proposals

Vulnerable Older Americans Aren’t Getting Adequate Care—Even With Paid Caregivers or Grown Children (PRB)

Season 2 of CAPRA’s Minding Memory podcast is here!

Arline Geronimus to receive 2021 James S. Jackson Distinguished Career Award for Diversity Scholarship

Call for Abstracts – 2023 LMIC Mortality & Healthy Aging Workshop

HEADS Center Call for Applications- 2023 Summer Workshop on Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias Disparities

Call for Pilot Project Proposals in AD/ADRD Research (CAPRA)

CAPRA Quarterly, Summer 2022

Hispanic, Black, and Asian Californians Saw Disproportionately Large Drops in Life Expectancy During COVID Pandemic (PRB)

Rising Obesity in an Aging America (PRB)

Eileen Crimmins (CBPH) discussed the risk factors for developing long COVID in the U.S. News & World Report

Karen Fingerman (CAPS-UT Austin) awarded the 2022 Baltes Distinguished Research Achievement Award

New article by Karl Pillemer (CAPS-Cornell) & coauthors examines measurement of financial abuse

Deadline extended: Apply to participate in the Inaugural Collaborative for Innovation in Data & Measurement in Aging (CIDMA) Institute

Now accepting applications for University of Chicago Demography and Economics of Aging Postdoctoral Fellowship Position beginning Summer/Fall 2022 or early 2023

Josh Ehrlich (MiCDA) & his research was cited in the New York Times

Rajean Moone (LCC) was part of a research team which conducted a statewide survey to measure societal progress for LGBTQ older adults

Journals of Gerontology special issue co-edited by Vicki Freedman (MiCDA) and Judith Kasper features the National Health and Aging Trends Study

Josh Ehrlich (MiCDA) is co-principal investigator of an NIH grant in Kenya which will enhance understanding of aging in Africa

Gary Engelhardt (CAPS Syracuse/Cornell/Albany) discusses the lag between inflation and cost-of-living increases in The Washington Post

Shannon Monnat (CAPS Syracuse/Cornell/Albany) was elected to serve as Vice President of the Rural Sociological Society (RSS)

Anthony Ong (CAPS Syracuse/Cornell/Albany) was awarded the 2022 Mid-Career Trajectory in Affective Science Award from the Society for Affective Science

CAPRA researchers find that a dementia diagnosis often comes as part of costly crisis

Brooks Gump (CAPS Syracuse/Cornell/Albany) was interviewed for the Healthline story “What Experts Think of Fauci’s Declaration that the United States is Past the COVID-19 Pandemic Phase”

Marc Garcia (CAPS Syracuse/Cornell/Albany) publishes a brief on COVID-19 deaths that was picked up by NBC News

Madonna Harrington Meyer (CAPS Syracuse/Cornell/Albany) publishes a brief “Nine Ways Grandparenting is Changing with the COVID-19 Pandemic”

Researchers Use National Study to Enhance Understanding of Late-Life Disability and Care

Deb Umberson (UT-Austin CAPS) is the Recipient of the National Institutes of Health Method to Extend Research in Time (MERIT) Award

NIA Funding Launches PARC and LDI’s New GEAR UP Program

Now accepting applications: Inaugural Collaborative for Innovation in Data & Measurement in Aging (CIDMA) Institute

Job Posting: Chief of the Population Trends and Analysis Branch (UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs)

Establishing independence: Alzheimer’s and Related Dementias Independent Scholars (ARDIS) program

Shannon Monnat (Syracuse University CAPS) received the 2022 Excellence in Graduate Education Faculty Recognition Award

Pinka Chatterji (CAPS – University at Albany) & Yu Lie estimate the effect of the pandemic on utilization of outpatient services

Job Posting – Concordia University: Canada Excellence Research Chair in Empowered aging: Well-being, technology, and creativity in everyday lives

Research by Jennifer Karas Montez (CAPS), et al. is one of the top cited articles in The Milbank Quarterly

Julie Bynum, Matthew Davis (CAPRA), et al. find a sharp increase in older adults who die with a dementia diagnosis

Shannon Monnat (Syracuse) and Irma Elo assessed the strengths and weaknesses of the Health and Retirement Study to identify drivers of rising mortality rates

Dan Polsky & Jianhui (Frank) Xu (HEADS Center) awarded Arnold Ventures funding

Nancy Hodgson (PARC) is featured in an Penn LDI Blog post

Article by Hwajung Choi, Bob Schoeni (MiCDA), Adriana Reyes (CAPS), et al. featured in the IUSSP’s online magazine

Shannon Monnat (Syracuse University CAPS) joined the PAA Committee on Population Statistics

Abstract submissions open for 2022 Data-Intensive Research Conference

CAPRA Winter 2022 Newsletter

Kevin Volpp (University of Pennsylvania) discusses the COVID-19 roller coaster in the Washington Post

Part 2 of Minding Memory Podcast: What is it Like to be a Caregiver for a Person Living with Dementia? With Amanda Leggett (University of Michigan)

New NHATS Online Course for Beginners

CDHA Launches New Seminar Series for Spring 2022

Vicki Freedman, Sarah Patterson, Jennifer Cornman, and Jennifer Wolff compared emotional health and care time for caregivers of older adults with and without dementia

Minding Memory Podcast Episode with Amanda Leggett (University of Michigan): Caregiving for Individuals Living with Dementia

The Center for Global Health Equity profiled Amy Pienta (University of Michigan)

RCCN Workshop: Measuring Biologic Age recordings and slides now available

Funding Opportunity: Request for Inter-NIA Center/CTSA Hub Pilot/Project Proposals For Implementation Activities in Support of Inclusion of Older Adults in Clinical Trials

Penn Population Aging Research Center team, led by Iliana & Hans-Peter Kohler, tracks behavior and attitudes in Malawi during COVID-19’s first wave

Sarah Patterson (Michigan) used 2015 National Health and Aging Trends Study to investigate whether older parents receive different levels of care from biological children compared to stepchildren


The Animal Models for the Social Dimensions of Health and Aging R24 Research Network Announces 2021-2021 Pilot Project Awards

Susan Alberts shows how baboons successfully “break up” with each other, or how a group divides into two

The Proportion of Older People With Dementia Shrinks as Total Numbers Increase

Funding for Junior Scholars: NIA Cross-Center Administrative Supplement Program

Montez (Syracuse), Hayward (Texas) & Zajacova examine Trends in U.S. Population Health: The Central Role of Policies, Politics, and Profits

Fellowship Opportunities: Aging, Health, Retirement, and Disability (NBER)

Olivia Mitchell (Penn), Jennifer Glass (Texas), and Elizabeth Rose Mayeda (UCLA) discuss the long-term impact of the pandemic on U.S. women’s health and well-being

RFA: Pilot project proposals sought for innovative demography and economics of aging (CAPS)

Sibling Deaths, Racial/Ethnic Disadvantage, connected to Dementia in Later Life by Hyungmin Cha, Patricia A Thomas, Debra Umberson (Texas)

Seeking NIA Postdoctoral Fellow at Michigan PSC – exceptional opportunity for collaboration on major projects starting 2022

Negative impact of poor health on voting declines with increasing wealth, find Engleman, Joo, Fletcher, & Burden (Wisconsin)

Invest 2 minutes now to discover how the well-being of older adults is enhanced by our research on the Demography and Economics of Aging & Alzheimer’s

Joseph Gaugler (Minnesota) answers questions about who family caregivers are, what they do, and common challenges they face.

In Search of Better Biomarkers of Aging

Nov 4th Meeting: Cross-NIA Center Research: Early Results from Pilot Projects on the Health of Older Americans

Fact Sheet: U.S. Dementia Trends (PRB)

RFA: Pilot Projects from Center to Accelerate Population Research in Alzheimer’s (CAPRA)

Obesity, Diabetes, COVID, Rapid Population Aging Pose New Challenges With Dementia

Passing of Bob Schoeni, Distinguished Social Science Researcher

A call to action on dementia research for the behavioral and social sciences

Bharat Thyagarajan (Minnesota), Jessica Faul, David Weir (Michigan), Eileen Crimmins, Jung Ki Kim (USC) et al use HRS to evaluate age-related differences in T cell subsets in a nationally representative sample of people over age 55

RFP: Pilot Projects to examine ADRD care: patient needs, economic consequences, organization, financing, and delivery impacts (Hopkins)

Amanda Leggett examines Pandemic’s toll on older adults serving as unpaid caregivers for chronically ill or disabled loved ones

Families Bear Most of the Monetary Costs of Dementia

RFA: ADRD Social Science Pilot Funding, and RCMAR Mentorship & Pilot funding (USC)

Unpaid Family Members Provide the Most Care for People With Dementia

Most People With Dementia Do Not Live in Nursing Homes

Olivia Mitchell (Penn) et al find find that financial literacy strongly improves the quality, but not the quantity, of financial advice sought

Julie Bynum & Donovan Maust (Michigan) discuss the work of the Center to Accelerate Population Research in Alzheimer’s (CAPRA)

Scott Landes (Syracuse) discusses reasons for the elevated risk of dying from COVID-19 among persons with intellectual or developmental disabilities

Zhiyong Lin (Texas) finds Racial-Ethnic Differences in COVID-19 Concerns among Older Americans: Evidence from the HRS

RFA: AD research career enrichment program involving seminar participation and mentoring in AD-relevant research (MCCFAD)

Irma Elo & Samuel Preston (Penn) lead the American Mortality Project to study health disparities in aging

More Schooling Reduces Adults’ Dementia Risk

Jennifer Karas Montez (Syracuse) Appointed University Professor

Karen Lasater (Penn) Discusses How Do We Keep the Nursing Shortage From Getting Worse?

RFA: NIA Postdoctoral Traineeship at Wisconsin’s Center for Demography of Health and Aging (CDHA)

NHATS/NSOC Dementia Caregiving Research Conference

Philippa Clarke (Michigan) and colleagues explore how neighborhoods may protect the cognitive health of older Americans

Check out NIA’s New Cleared Concepts for Aging Research

Karen Lasater (Penn) discusses a shortage of well-funded nursing positions, nurse-patient staffing ratios, and high-paying traveling positions

NIA Division of Behavioral and Social Research (BSR) is hiring Program Officers

Women, People Ages 85 and Older, and Racial and Ethnic Minorities Face Greater Dementia Risk

Rachel Werner (Penn), Edward Norton (Michigan) et al assess state responses to the coronavirus pandemic related to nursing homes in the first half of 2020

RFA: Postdoc to study impact of vision impairment and blindness on health, disability, and well-being in older adults

Freedman, Hu (Michigan), and Kasper (Hopkins) find Older adults’ weekly in-person contact fell substantially early in pandemic

Julia Lynch (Penn) et al release new book, Ageing and Health: The Politics of Better Policies

The Role of Economics in Research on Alzheimer’s Disease (NBER)

Tyson Brown (Duke) Named First Presidential Scholar

RFA: Building Skills to Conduct Embedded Pragmatic Clinical Trials (ePCTs) among People Living with Dementia (PLWD) and their Care Partners

As dementia’s toll on the U.S. rises, HwaJung Choi (Michigan) et al show major gaps in who gets care that could help them remain at home

NIA awards up to $5M to Wake Forest University and AFAR to continue leading the Research Centers Collaborative Network (RCCN)

New NHATS video tutorial describing its COVID-19 supplements

Gregory Samanez-Larkin (Duke) et al Find that Using Imagination Exercises Help Older Adults Better Understand Pandemic Risks

Robert Hummer (N Carolina) & Iliya Gutin find sociology optimally positioned to lead discourse on the future of US life expectancy

Jason Fletcher (Wisconsin) evaluates the integration of genetic data into medical sociology research

Matthew Dupre & Scott Lynch (Duke) study integrates risk trajectories and social determinants to enhance cardiovascular risk assessment in older adults

Linda Aiken (Penn) calls for action to end nurse understaffing in hospitals, nursing homes, and schools (NYT)

NIA support for dementia care research: Taking stock of the evidence

Karen Fingerman (Texas), Kira Birditt (Michigan) & colleagues examine loneliness in late life, television viewing, and physical activity

Judith D. Kasper, Johns Hopkins public health researcher who co-conducted acclaimed study on aging, dies

PAA President Robert Hummer (N Carolina) Participates in White House-NIH Sponsored Listening Session on ARPA-H

Mark Hayward (Texas) interviewed about new federal data showing a decline in U.S. life expectancy

Karen Lasater (Penn) inducted as a Fellow into the American Academy of Nursing

Quincy Samus & Chanee Fabius (Hopkins) Recieve New NIA Impact Collaboratory Awards

RFA: Postdoc: Specialized Training Program in the Demography and Economics of Aging (T32 Chicago)

Jenny Tung (Duke) et al find genetics shape the gut microbiome of baboons with some traits heritable in humans, increasing with age

Reducing the Impact of Dementia in America: A Decadal Survey of the Behavioral and Social Sciences

Carrie Henning-Smith (Minnesota) examines role of community context and social infrastructure in supporting social well-being among rural older adults

Mark Peterson (Michigan) dismisses misconception that people over 65 cannot produce hypertrophy of the muscle

All Things Caregivers: Podcast with Chanee Fabius and Halima Amjad (Hopkins)

Susan Alberts (Duke) and colleagues conclude there is no cheating old age in sweeping analysis

Shannon M. Monnat (Syracuse) received the Excellence in Research Award from the Rural Sociological Society

Philipp Koellinger (Wisconsin) discusses how luck drives the interplay of genetics and social environments influences our lives

Jung Kwak (Texas) elected as Gerontological Society of America Office of Social Research, Policy, and Practice (SRPP) Section Chair

NHATS Chart Book includes key findings about recent trends with an emphasis on differences by age group, gender, and race and Hispanic ethnicity groups

Roshanak Mehdipanah (Michigan) receives Henry Russel Award

Julia Lynch (Penn) et al examine the effects of politics on health inequalities and show how the COVID-19 pandemic is a syndemic of disease and inequality

Jennifer Karas Montez (Syracuse) & Mark Haywood (Texas) elected to Interdisciplinary Association of Population Health Science (IAPHS) Board of Directors

Madonna Harrington Meyer (Syracuse) notes “there is very little money flowing uphill” to the older generation (NYT)

Mark D Hayward (Texas), Jennifer Karas Montez (Syracuse) et al receive Honorable Mention for the ASA 2021 Distinguished Contribution to Scholarship in Population Award

Toni Antonucci (Michigan) Receives Baltes Distinguished Research Achievement Award from APA

Jenny Tung (Duke) co-leads Animal Models Research Network to understand the social determinants of health and aging with new Fellowships

Jennifer Karas Montez (Syracuse) discusses US life expectancy decrease by 1.5 years during the pandemic – the largest drop since WWII

FDA approves $56K treatment for Alzheimer’s with Questionable Efficacy – What happens Next? – Aducanumab Virtual Symposium

Sanjay Asthana (Wisconsin) et al find rural living in early life is an independent risk for lower levels of cognitive functioning in later life

Aiken, McHugh, Behrman, Smith (Penn) et al find establishing safe nurse staffing standards in Chile saves lives, prevents readmissions, shortens hospital stays & reduces costs

Lauren Schmitz (Wisconsin) et al Examine The Socioeconomic Gradient in Epigenetic Ageing Clocks with Evidence from the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis & HRS

Peterson, Faul (Michigan) et al, use HRS to determine the link between grip strength & inflammation as predictors of disability, chronic multimorbidity and dementia

Register for the Network for Data-Intensive Research on Aging (NDIRA) Conference

Namkee Choi (Texas) receives Maxwell Pollack Award from Gerontological Society of America (GSA)

U.S. Racial Health Disparities Among Older Adults Remain Despite Some Progress

Ware & Smith (Michigan) et al examine the association between DNA methylation in circulating leukocytes and blood lipids in a multi-ethnic sample

Being Older and Black Creates a Double Jeopardy During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Corinna Loeckenhoff (Syracuse) et al find modernization makes older adults feel rushed, too

An Improved State of Aging in America: Revelations from new NHATS Interactive Dashboards

Gabor Kezdi, Economist and Research Associate Professor, Dies at Age 50

Unequal Health Care Access and Quality Contribute to U.S. Racial Health Disparities Among Older Adults

Marti DeLiema (Minnesota) examines Baby Boomers’ Biggest Financial Risk: Cognitive Decline

Disparities Related to Education, Race, and Gender Compound Health Disadvantages at Older Ages

Vicki Freedman (Michigan) find older Americans are aging better than ever, especially women

Matthew D. McHugh (Penn) elected to the National Academy of Medicine (NAM)

Kristin Litzelman (Wisconsin) examines “Caregiver resource utilization: Intellectual and development disability and dementia” 

COVID-19 and Other Risk Factors Widen the Black-White Life Expectancy Gap (PRB)

Racism-Related Stress Is Linked to Premature Aging and Chronic Disease

Faul, Ware, Langa (Michigan) et al examine the relationship between childhood socioeconomic position and cognition in older adults in the US & England

RFP: McKnight Brain Research Foundation Innovator Awards in Cognitive Aging and Memory Loss

NIA Postdoctoral Fellowship Award to Promote Diversity in Translational Research for AD/ADRD

Joseph Gaugler (Minnesota) discusses Improving Health For Older Minnesotans

2 minutes to discover how the well-being of older adults is enhanced by our research on the Demography and Economics of Aging & Alzheimer’s

Topping & Fletcher (Wisconsin) find association and pathways of birth in the stroke belt on old age dementia and stroke Mortality

Key Factors Underlying Racial Disparities in Health Between Black and White Older Americans (PRB)

Ehrlich, Langa (Michigan) find Vision impairment (VI) is associated with the development of cognitive impairment no dementia (CIND)

After COVID, research on social isolation and loneliness is needed more than ever

Amy Kind (Wisconsin) leads new UW Center for Health Disparities Research

Nancy Hodgson (Penn) wins Catalyst award for project, “Sense4Safety-Supporting Socially Vulnerable Older Adults”

NHATS searchable bibliography of publications using NHATS and the National Study of Caregiving (NSOC) now available

Colleen Heflin (Syracuse) will testify before Congress on the Hunger Crisis Among Veterans and Military Families

Network for Data-Intensive Research on Aging (NDIRA) invites membership

Miriam Mutambudzi (Syracuse) selected as a NIMHD 2021 Health Disparities Research Institute Scholar

Kathleen Cagney named new director of Michigan’s Institute for Social Research (ISR)

Alfonso Flores-Lagunes (Syracuse) joins the Editorial Board of the Journal of Population Economics

Get the latest round of NIA cleared research concepts on your 2021 radar!

Laura Zahodne (Michigan) Wins GSA Margret M. and Paul B. Baltes Award for outstanding early career contributions in behavioral & social gerontology

Susan Alberts, Jenny Tung (Duke) et al Find that Chronic Stress in Female Baboons Leads to Early Deaths

Career Opening: Economist & Survey Statistician at The Demographic Research Area, US Census Bureau

Video Introduction: Centers on the Demography & Economics of Aging and Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias

Sela Panapasa (MiCDA): Native Hawaiians & Pacific Islanders have long been overlooked — which the “Asian American” label exacerbates

Dan Lichter (Syracuse) named to Census Bureau National Advisory Committee on Racial, Ethnic, and Other Populations

NHATS Data Show Older Adults Lack Even Simple, Helpful Equipment (NYT)

Jun Li (Syracuse) received an honorable mention for the John Heinz Dissertation Award

Scott Landes (Syracuse) discusses disability data during the pandemic on “Included: The Disability Equity Podcast”

Jenny Tung (Duke) on the importance of a comparative perspective on when & how social status influences biological aging

Relative invisibility makes for uphill battle to get COVID vaccines for Americans with IDD: Scott Landes (CAPS)

Great Smoky Mountains Study of Rural Aging launched by Dodge & Hotz (Duke)

Addressing global challenges for aging and dementia: NIA joins GEOHealth initiative

Jennifer Karas Montez (Syracuse) discusses how US state policies have contributed to life expectancy troubles

Herman Pontzer (Duke) finds lessons on staying healthy from humanity’s past and following the calories

Scott Landes (Syracuse) launches the Intellectual and Developmental Disability (IDD) Age-at-Death Tracker

Warren, Grodsky, Goosby, Muller et al will use biomarkers to understand how childhood shapes risks of Alzheimer’s

Jacqueline Angel (Texas) receives 2020 Outstanding Mentor Award from the ASA’s Section on Aging and the Life Course

Shippee & Beebe (Minnesota) Identifying Domains of Assisted Living Quality for Minnesota’s Assisted Living Report Card

Eileen Crimmins (USC) discusses social factors associated with poor aging outcomes

Terrie Moffitt (Duke) reports on improving translation of aging research from mice to humans

Engelman & Malecki (Wisconsin) comment on US life expectancy decline during the COVID-19 pandemic

Perez, Hodgson, Coe (Penn) awarded R01 to address increasing rates of ADRD among Latinos

Ken Langa (Michigan) comments on finding that people with dementia are more likely to catch severe COVID-19

Shannon Monnat (Syracuse) et al discuss how policies differentially impact population health and aging in rural versus urban populations

Kohler & Penn Population Scientists Win NAM Catalyst Grant Award

Summary Report from the National Research Summit on Care, Services, Support for Persons with Dementia and their Caregivers 

Join Clin-STAR’s “Who’s Who” in Aging Research community

Handbook of Aging & Social Sciences, 9th ed. Book Release Celebration, Feb 25

Top tips for early career research grant applications from NIA

Employment May Slow Memory Decline for Women

Quincy Samus (Hopkins) et al Examine Cost-effective Care coordination for People with Dementia At Home

COVID-19 reduced U.S. life expectancy, especially among Black and Latino populations

Scott Halpern (Penn) named a Hastings Center Fellow

Quantifying Potentially Avoidable Financial Losses Due to Dementia addressed by Nicholas

Landes Describes Progress in Closing the Age-at-Death Disparity for Adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

NHATS COVID-19 Sample Person (SP) Early-release Beta file is now available

Carrie Henning-Smith (Minnesota) on Meeting The Social Needs Of Older Adults In Rural Areas

Wolf & Lin report on Division of Parent Care Among Adult Children

Outcomes of Medicaid home- and community-based long-term services relative to nursing home care among dual eligibles


Positive mood in older adults suggests better brain function

Older adults with dementia exhibit financial “symptoms” up to six years before diagnosis

Minnesota’s Network for Data-Intensive Research on Aging (NDIRA)

Zuelsdorff & Knopman discuss New research into Alzheimer’s disease and dementia

Shippee leads study to improve quality of home and community-based services for people with dementia

Wisconsin’s CDHA Welcomes 10 New Affiliates For Fall 2020

Announcing NIA’s New Crop Of Research Concepts!

Many Older Americans Do Not Receive the Recommended Home Health Care After Hospitalization

What Can Economics Say About Alzheimer’s Disease? (NBER working paper)

Help Establish Standard Data Collection Protocols For COVID-19 Research

Study Finds That COVID-19 Is Hitting Older Black And Latinx Persons Hardest

Fingerman Shows That People Who Are More Socially Integrated Are Also More Active Physically

Doing COVID-19 research? These data tools can help!

NIA’s Strategic Directions: Priorities for continued progress

“The Demography of Dementia and Dementia Caregiving” – a new summary from PRB

Cole, Seeman, and Smith comment on Health Impacts of Coronavirus Stress and Fear

Coronavirus Stress and Fear Could Take a Toll on Our Health

Webinar recording and slides available from “Resilience and Reserve: Defining, Refining, and Advancing Research in Aging”

Karlawish et al. write on how the struggles of dementia patients and caregivers are worse with the shutdown

Bloom and Canning (Havard) discuss obtaining better COVID-19 infection data without universal testing by leveraging the American Community Survey (ACS)

Study by Danaei finds women making lifestyle changes even in middle age results in their less likely to have a stroke

Grabowski speaks to coronavirus cases in senior care facilities

Zissimopoulos & Thunell Find Older Adults Living Alone Report Higher Rates of Anxiety and Depression

Older Americans’ Greater Health Problems May Make Them More Vulnerable to COVID-19’s Effects

Study by Dieleman et al. finds low back and neck pain tops US health spending.

What Can We Learn From the World’s Largest Population of Older People? Aging and Health in China


Older Women Live Longer, But With More Disability and Financial Challenges Than Men

PRB article on measuring population aging features researchers from Demography and Economics of Aging Centers at USC/UCLA and the University of Washington

Laura Carstensen (Stanford) quoted in Bloomberg on baby boomers staying in the generational mix

Maria Polyakova (Stanford) et al. found low-income seniors have better health in affluent communities

Alexander Kulminski (Duke) et al. propose new approach to Alzheimer’s research to address environmental risks

Caleb Finch (USC/UCLA) and Alexander Kulminski (Duke) propose the ‘Alzheimer Disease Exposome’ to address environmental risks

Elham Mahmoudi and Kenneth M. Langa (Michigan) find hearing aids linked to lower risk of dementia, depression and falls

Kenneth M. Langa (Michigan) et al. find married people are less likely to develop dementia

Francine Grodstein (Harvard) and coauthors find optimism linked to living longer

Christine Cigolle et al. on establishing the first geriatric medicine fellowship program in Ghana

National Study of Caregiving (NSOC) Extended for PIs Vicki Freedman and Wolff

Fabian T. Pfeffer receives Doris Entwisle Early Career Award from American Sociological Association

Mara Mather (USC/UCLA) et al. find older adults less distracted by negative information

Mark D. Peterson on increased risk of mental health conditions for adults with cerebral palsy

Tamara Dubowitz (RAND) quoted on environment and obesity

Carstensen (Stanford) mentioned in Psychology Today on feeling more positive as we age

Social Security Statement Has Impact, According to Philip Armour (RAND)

Jason Karlawish (U Penn) on inclusive definition on health for older adults

Jason Karlawish (U Penn) on learning genetic risk of Alzheimer’s in WSJ

Kenneth M. Langa (Michigan) et al. on lifestyle changes and dementia

Cacchione (UPenn) quoted in an article about why elderly and older populations are particularly vulnerable in an emergency evacuation

Donovan T. Maust discusses the increasing rate of fatal falls for adults over 75

Kathryn Edwards (RAND) study behaviors of parents who provide financial assistance to unemployed adult children

Colter Mitchell receives Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE)

Bhattacharya (Stanford) and colleagues find educational attainment reduces heart disease

Studies by Carstensen and Knutson (Stanford) cited in news on saving for the future self

Edward Norton (Michigan) et al. find Medicare Shared Savings Program may not be working as well as thought

Melissa Wei (Michigan) et al. find multimorbidity increase the risk of cognitive decline and suicide

Study by Maestas, Mullen and Powell (RAND) on population aging and economic growth cited in NYT

Jason Schnittker (U-Penn) quoted on self-rated health by older adults

Arline T. Geronimus, John Bound, Timpe et al. find opioid epidemic alone didn’t cause life expectancy decline

Jacqui Smith (Michigan) receives Distinguished Mentorship in Gerontology Award from the Gerontological Society of America

Kira Birditt, Lindsay Ryan (Michigan) and coauthors won Richard Kalish Innovative Publication Award from the Gerontological Society of America

Baby boomers are redefining what aging is, said Jennifer Ailshire (USC/UCLA)

Goodarz Danaei (Harvard) and colleagues find 3 interventions that can prevent 94 million premature death

Study by Linda Aiken and Matthew McHugh (U-Penn) cited in a New York Times article on health care providers

LA Times cites studies by Skolarus (Michigan), Burke (Michigan), Grabowski (Harvard) and colleagues on high out-of-pocket medical costs

Gruber (NBER) interviewed on NBER study on association between early social security claiming and poverty

Carstensen (Stanford) quoted on increasing the odds of high quality longevity

Studies on education level and health outcomes by researchers from Demography and Economics of Aging Centers cited in NYT

Study from USC/UCLA Center on Biodemography and Population Health links racism to disease risk among African Americans

PRB features researchers from Demography and Economics of Aging Centers on studies of older women’s disability and financial challenges

Amanda Kowalski (Michigan) and John Mullahy (Wisconsin) won 2019 ASHEcon Awards

The case for more diversity in studies of genetic association with disease

Cutler (Harvard & NBER) ‘s work on value of medical spending featured in NYT Upshot

Is a healthy social life a healthier life in general?

Grabowski (Harvard) and Werner (U Penn) comment on federal ratings for rehab care at nursing homes

Donovan T. Maust (Michigan) on survey results from the National Poll on Healthy Aging

Grabowski (Harvard) quoted in NYT

Lisa Berkman (Harvard) on social connections and health

James F. Burke, Lesli E. Skolarus (Michigan) and coauthors find out-of-pocket costs for neurologic medications rise sharply

Research on social interaction and memory loss by Glymour and Berkman (Harvard) in the news

David Grabowski (Harvard) et al. find many middle-income seniors will have insufficient resources

Sarah Tishkoff (U Penn) quoted in Nature article on diversity in genome-wide association studies

Cheryl Damberg (RAND) and coauthors on primary care spending of Medicare beneficiaries

Keeler (RAND) and Damberg (RAND) et al. on reducing low value preoperative care for cataract surgery patients

Jason Karlawish (U Penn) quoted by Associated Press on social cognition and the aging brain

Amy Kind (Wisconsin) Honored with Yoshikawa Award from the American Geriatrics Society

Sarah Tishkoff (U Penn) and colleagues on the missing diversity in human genetic studies

Rachel Werner, Norma Coe (U Penn) et al. study patient outcomes with home care vs skilled nursing facility

David Grabowski (Harvard) testifies before Senate Finance Committee

Joseph Dieleman (Washington) and coauthors on new population aging metric

Murray and Lopez (Washington) won 2018 Gairdner Global Health Award for their work on Global Burden of Disease

Scott Huettel (Duke) and colleagues study saving decision and behavior

Jessica Ho (USC/UCLA) finds overdose death rates highest in US

Poterba (NBER) and Shoven (Stanford & NBER) quoted in Reuters’ report on Brookings Forum on working longer

Cutler (Harvard and NBER) et al. on the slowdown in medical spending growth among the elderly

Sanjay Basu (Stanford) led study finds more primary care physicians associated with longer life expectancy

Cleared Concepts: An early heads-up for savvy scientists seeking funding from NIA

Negativity bias decreases with age, according to Laura Carstensen (Stanford) and co-author

David Cutler (Harvard and NBER) led study on cutting health care costs

John Shoven (Stanford) quoted in Reuters

Maestas and Grabowski find Simpler Plan Finder may help Medicare Part D consumers cut costs

NIA Director outlines aging research in 2019

Grabowski and Cutler (Harvard) co-authored paper on hospital readmission under Medicare program discussed in NYT

Vicki Freedman et al. study association between caregivers’ wellbeing and daily caregiving experience

Marguerite Burns (Wisconsin) awarded grant to study “Leaving Prison and Connecting with Medical Care”

Kenneth M. Langa, Bruno J. Giordani (Michigan) and co-authors find black adults with high blood pressure showed faster cognitive decline

Funding for Behavioral Change to Benefit Older Adults from NIA’s Research Centers Collaborative Network

UCLA Division of Geriatrics led by David Reuben awarded $2 million from Eisner Foundation


Reuben and colleagues show dementia care program reduces nursing home admission and cuts Medicare costs

Jennifer Ailshire (USC/UCLA) and co-authors examine sleep duration trends in U.S. adults

McHugh and Aiken (U Penn) et al. study the quality of end of life care in US hospitals

John Shoven (Stanford) quoted in WSJ on working longer for financial well-being

Pamela Herd will present at NIH OBSSR Director’s Webinar Series

“Saving regret” study by Hurd (RAND), Rohwedder (RAND) et al. featured in Forbes

Hudomiet’s study on retirement paths featured in the Forbes’ article

Matthew Dupre (Duke) quoted in Time for his research on health impact of marriage

A new NIA-funded resource synergizes efforts of aging research centers

Asthana and Herd (Wisconsin) lead new research that will track the progression of dementia in the WLS.

Gary Small (USC/UCLA) quoted in the Washington Post on the effect of sedentary behavior on brain health

Kindig, Nobles and Zidan (Wisconsin) are among award winners for AJPH paper of the year

Freedman (Michigan) co-authored study on dementia’s impact on family and caregivers was cited in The New York Times

NYT quotes study on widening differences in life expectancy by Toni C. Antonucci (Michigan), Berkman (Harvard), Carstensen (Stanford), Goldman (USC/UCLA) and James S. Jackson (Michigan)

Study by Douglas Sloane, Herbert Smith, Linda Aiken and Matthew McHugh (U Penn) on the effect of nursing resources on the quality of care has been quoted in The Nation

Three affiliates from the Aging Centers Terrie Moffitt (Duke), Daniel Polsky and Rachel Werner (U-Penn) were elected to the National Academy of Medicine

Curtis, Engelman, Fletcher, Palloni to Examine Place Of Birth, Health, And Mortality At Older Ages (CDHA)

William Dow is quoted in Forbes as a speaker at Milken Institute Future of Health Summit panel “Race, Gender, and Work: The Economics of Healthy Aging”

“The Effect of Physical and Cognitive Decline at Older Ages on Job Mismatch and Retirement” from Hudomiet (RAND), Hurd (RAND), Rohwedder (RAND) and Willis (Michigan)

Hospital accreditation is not associated with better outcomes for U.S. patients according to Ashish Jha and colleagues

Sleep’s Role in Aging and Chronic Disease – New Evidence from PRB

Nicole Maestas (RAND) and David Grabowski (Harvard) on Medicare plan finder tool

Norma Coe (U Penn) et al. examine the caregiving costs for families

David Reuben will use foundation endowment to expand geriatrics research

Coe et al. estimate “cost to well being” for daughters, age 40-70, who provide care for elderly mothers

Maestas says women may sacrifice more Social Security earnings than men when they retire early

Amy Finkelstein and Jonathan Skinner (NBER) on mandatory Medicare bundled payment program

NIA funded CALERIE Research Network aims to inspire and support new studies

Ashish Jha et al. on improving global health care

PRB launches 2018 WPD site with focus on changing age structures across the globe and historical time

Centers well represented in PAA election results

Jha on the role of physician gender in the outcomes for women who have heart attacks

World’s largest collection of publicly available research data on aging

FEM: Modeling trends in the demographics and economics of aging

Jagust and Mormino say new approach to imaging brain synapses could help with diagnosing and treating AD

Harvard study of South Africans age 40+ finds older age, more than education, wealth, or health, linked to depressive symptoms

Add Health Parent Study data released

Freedman, Kasper et al. examine recent changes in dementia prevalence among Americans 70+

NHATS releases Round 7 data files

NIA-funded genetic database on Alzheimer’s makes DNA sequence data available to researchers

Trojanowski et al. find “proteinopathies” may contribute to many old-age neurodegenerative diseases

Wisconsin’s Neighborhood Atlas: Mapping areas of disadvantage

New report on advances, trends, and research directions in the demography of aging

Gateway to a full array of survey data on aging from around the world

WaPo on recent work by NIA researchers showing increasing cognitive life expectancy

Michigan researchers examine joint genetic-environmental contributions to risk of late-onset Alzheimer’s

Hayward and Basu on inaccuracy of common tool to estimate CVD risk and prescribe meds

Student volunteers needed for IAPHS Annual Meeting in Washington, DC, Oct 3-5. Register July 23.

NIA repository offers cell/DNA samples for research on the mechanisms of aging

New study by Bardo and Lynch examines whether cognitive health is essential for a happy life

NIA researchers find falling prevalence of dementia among older Americans

NIA offers rich source of Spanish-language health info for older adults

Jason Fletcher selected as Wisconsin’s new CDHA Director

NIA on dementia detection using biomarkers

New analysis by Vicki Freedman, Kasper et al finds declines in US dementia prevalence over past 5 years

Judith Campisi elected as National Academy of Sciences member

Valter Longo leads NIA-funded $10 million program on fasting and mechanisms of cellular protection and regeneration

Jagust et al find subclinical amyloid accumulation predictive of Alzheimer’s

Are Baby Boomers Healthy Enough to Keep Working? (Issue 37 of Today’s Research on Aging from PRB)

Examining dementia trends in America

Measuring biological risk for late-life health outcomes

Maestas finds married boomer women may want to keep working after their husbands retire

Unretirement becoming more common

RAND Center for Disability Research

Trojanowski and colleagues chart epigenetic changes linked to Alzheimer’s

Herd and Stanford colleagues use 60-year WLS to study predictive quality of polygenic scores

Preston and Elo examine impact of diabetes on US mortality trends

Small et al. find 4-weeks of mental and physical training improved cognition among older adults

USC releases open-source MRI stroke dataset

States with highest death rates among older Americans concentrated in the South

Carstensen says “older people are happier” in their more selective interactions

45-year Dunedin Study follows New Zealanders from birth into pre-retirement

Small et al. find curcumin improves memory, attention, mood among older adults

PRB’s interactive map by gender and state of death rates for Americans age 55+

NIA urges research on geographic inequalities in US morbidity/mortality


Herd et al. find 25 genetic variants linked to human longevity

RAND researchers find “fluid concept” of retirement among US workers

U-Penn’s Ryskina, Polsky and Werner find increasing prevalence of ‘nursing home specialists’

Martha J. Bailey among Bloomberg’s ‘People to Watch in 2018’

Laura Carstensen on “perennial” potential of aging well

Impact of diabetes on US mortality trends

Cruickshanks et al find boomers have better eye health than previous generations

Belsky says test to predict the pace of biological aging isn’t ready for market

Mexican Health and Aging Study charts changes since 2000

Eight projects examine health and aging in long-running NBER program

NIA initiative assesses effectiveness of interventions for mediating cognitive decline and dementia

Can economic booms shorten lives? Cutler et al examine 100 birth cohorts in 32 countries

UCLA Alzheimer’s and Dementia Care Program wins innovation award

Helping create a world where the majority of people thrive in old age

Sherri Rose wins New Innovator Award from NIH

NIA funding for Alzheimer’s and dementia research increases dramatically

Kawachi and colleagues find living with a purpose may lessen physical decline with age

New study analyzing link between population aging and economic growth compared to studies at RAND and Harvard

NIA rolls out new feature-rich mobile-responsive website

Congratulations to new PAA Board members Mary Beth Ofstedal (Michigan) and James Raymo (Wisconsin)

HRS data show 37% of Americans age 50+ have less than $1,000 in their checking account

Kenneth M. Langa et al. find rising rates of healthy older Americans are uneven by race, education, and income

Bhattacharya et al. find vision-cognition link among older adults

USC & Columbia develop index of life quality among the aging in 30 countries

Grodstein et al. find weight gain in adulthood linked to much higher risk of chronic disease in later life

Neal Krause wins GSA’s Robert Kleemeier Award

Understanding the generational economy

PRB report looks at the changing face of dementia

Work by Ailshire, Beltrán-Sánchez, and Crimmins suggests important considerations in early retirement

Glymour, Rohwedder, Willis, and Börsch-Supan say working longer may boost cognitive health

Jonathan Skinner says Boomers aren’t saving enough for retirement

Picturing how education impacts life expectancy across the globe

Massive study of the social determinants of HIV/AIDS incidence, prevalence, and mortality

How employers, the government, and older people can help keep Americans age 65-plus in the workforce

Belsky et al. find reducing calorie intake over two years slowed biological aging

Dwyer-Lindgren, Mokdad, Murray et al. find large and growing geographic disparities in Americans’ life expectancy

Mokdad and Dwyer-Lindgren identify patterns in cancer mortality across US counties, 1980-2014, by cancer type

Joseph Dielman uses pilot funding to explore impact of economic development on health of older populations in 188 countries

Auerbach, Goldman and Lee gauge how wealth contributes to Americans’ longevity, lifetime government benefits

Marsha Mailick, Jan Greenberg et al. examine links among FMR1 genotype, stress, and health among aging adults

Maestas, Mullen, Powell say older voters tend to oppose economic reforms that would counter costs associated with aging population

Sam Preston and Andrew Stokes say diabetes kills more Americans than commonly thought

Kenneth M. Langa, Larson, Crimmins, Jessica Faul, Levine, Kabeto, and David Weir report on decreasing prevalence of dementia among Americans in JAMA

John Bound, Arline T. Geronimus, et al. find estimates of decreasing longevity among low-SES whites sensitive to measures and interpretations

CEDA launches Berkeley Forum on Aging and the Global Economy

Longitudinal Aging Study in India

Developing novel indicators of cognitive function

Disparities in stroke risk factors by race/ethnicity

Impacts of physician practice characteristics on health care

Cellular senescence, inflammation and aging

Linda Aiken wins nursing’s most prestigious international award

Analyzing determinants of healthy life span and longevity

New PRB report: How neighborhoods affect health and well-being of older Americans

Ashish Jha and colleagues find better survival rates among Medicare patients treated by foreign-educated doctors

Belsky, Caspi, Cohen, Yashin, Moffitt and Levine develop bio measures of aging at midlife

Aging in the 21st Century synthesizes large range of research output using HRS data

Arun Karlamangla, Gail Greendale and colleagues find cognitive aging in middle-aged women

NIA offers heads up on future funding possibilities by publishing concepts approved at National Advisory Council on Aging meetings

Laura Carstensen elected to National Academy of Medicine

Peter Huckfeldt and colleagues find Medicare Advantage costs less and leads to better patient outcomes than traditional Medicare

Linda George awarded distinguished professorship at Duke


Kenneth M. Langa, Eric Larson, and Eileen Crimmins find decline in dementia prevalence among Americans 65+

Sean Fahle and Kathleen McGarry find growing need for elder care has negative impact on women’s employment

Research on longevity determinants and implications. TRA, Nov 2016

Models test impact of U.S. social welfare interventions on health over life course

Phenotypes, genotypes, and exceptional longevity

Do migrants really have a mortality advantage in their host countries?

Chronic social stress and later life health

Jason Karlawish and Kenneth M. Langa specify how to improve national research on Alzheimer’s interventions

Researchers from NIA, Harvard, USC, UCLA and more find additional evidence that epigenetic age predicts mortality

Laura Carstensen sees symbiosis in older people working with children

RAND researchers find lower labor productivity from an aging U.S. workforce

Population-Level Trends in Dementia: Call for Proposals

Laura Carstensen says positive relationship between aging and happiness is no paradox

Henry Paulson directs NIH-funded Michigan Alzheimer’s center

Morgan Levine finds link between age at menopause and biological aging

Morgan Levine, Hoorman Allayee and colleagues analyze biological aging by race/ethnicity and sex

Vicki Freedman finds black Americans live more of their older years with disability than white Americans

Harvey Jay Cohen and colleagues find regular exercise in 50s key to later mobility

Retirement satisfaction slipping among retirees over past 15 years?

Richard Wight and Carol Aneshensel find aging gay men at higher risk of various forms of stress

How does expanding Medicaid impact access to and wait times for primary care?

Duke researchers Belsky and Moffitt examine genetics of socioeconomic success across 40 years

Olivia Mitchell says lump-sum payment would inspire more Americans to delay claiming Social Security benefits

Robert Sampson and Samuel Preston discuss shrinking gap in life expectancy between black and white Americans

The generational economy and population aging in 50 countries

Data on mortality levels and trends, by state, since the 1930s

Progression of Parkinson’s to cognitive impairment

Raj Chetty, David Cutler and colleagues find Americans in top 1% of income live 10-15 years longer than poorest 1%

AAUP reports on faculty compensation by category, affiliation, and academic rank

UPenn’s Matthias Hollwich looks at how to ‘live smarter now to live better forever’

Brooke McFall, Amanda Sonnega, Robert Willis, and Peter Hudomiet examine compositional changes in jobs held by older workers

Vicki Freedman et al find women are living longer than men, but with fewer disability-free years

Family Caregiving for People with Dementia infographic released by PBR

HRS genomics data available for analysis

Lisa Berkman and colleagues discuss opportunities for and challenges of older people in the workforce

PRB reports on NIA-supported research on family caregiving to aging family members

Hiram Beltrán-Sánchez says homicides impact national life expectancy in Mexico

What predicts aging well among women?

Kenneth Langa and Michael Hurd discuss impact of education on dementia

Eileen Crimmins says recent research suggests the likelihood of getting dementia in old age is decreasing

William H. Frey says Boomers continue to make ‘ground-breaking history’ as they enter their seventies

Risk factors for sensory and cognitive declines beginning in mid-life

William Dow and colleague find the poor live longer in Costa Rica than in the U.S.


Judith Campisi says new publication is GSA’s most comprehensive textbook on biology of aging

Understanding how Americans age

Susann Rohwedder and Robert Willis find those who stay on the job after age 60 stay sharper than early retireess

Till Bärnighausen and colleagues find growing gender gap in life expectancy among HIV+ South Africans with increasing availability of ART

PRB report summarizes findings on impacts of Great Recession for older Americans

Samuel Preston, David Cutler, and Ronald Lee taken aback by rising mortality among middle-aged white Americans

Zeng Yi (Duke) says China’s abandonment of one-child policy not unexpected, especially given government’s interest in his research

Latest issue of Today’s Research on Aging available from PRB

Desire for and benefits of engaged activities for older adults

Princeton’s Angus Deaton wins 2015 Nobel Prize in economics

Investment choices among workers in Mexico’s privatized social security system

How does obesity impact international differences in longevity?

Genes, environment, behavior, EPs, and health risks in later life

Cardiometabolic disorders among older Sub-Saharan Africans

Keith Whitfield wins GSA award for outstanding mentorship

Christopher Murray says GBD study results can help guide international health policies

John Beshears says it’s important to know retirement implications of different 401(k) savings plans

Axel Börsch-Supan says Germany cannot afford government program allowing retirement at age 63

David Bloom says mandatory retirement policy based on ageist assumptions

Grant Miller to help develop Bengal, India’s first Institute of Public Health

Alan Auerbach says holding the line on Social Security and Medicare may be politically difficult

Gary King says bias likely in SSA’s demographic and financial forecasts

Caspi, Yashin, Moffitt, Sugden and colleagues find 38 year olds vary in biological age from 28 to 61

Tchetgen, Glymour, Kawachi and colleagues find middle-age adults with depression have double the risk of stroke

David Lam is new director of Institute for Social Research

Richard Hodes, Ronald Lee, Robert Willis and Susann Rohwedder cited on how increasing life span impacts retirement

James S. Jackson says racial health disparities at older ages result from differences in lived experiences, not genetics

Michael Hurd says older workers face a number of impediments in job searches

John Laitner says planning for future retirement should account for increasing longevity

Ulrike Malmendier says Great Depression-era Americans less likely to invest in stock market

Christopher Murray signs IHME-WHO memorandum of Agreement to collaborate in efforts to improve worldwide health data

Arline T. Geronimus says urban poor experience cellular aging linked to chronic stress of poverty, racism, everyday life

HRS data analysis indicates 1 in 5 older Americans dies broke

Remembering NIA’s Richard Suzman

Emilio Parado says low in-migration and loss of college graduates contribute to aging of Pennsylvania’s population

John Haaga and Richard Suzman introduce special issue of the Journal of Population Ageing

Promoting the health and well-being of older adults is a prime goal of the NIA-funded Aging Centers, overviewed in Research Highlights #14

Seth Sanders says Great Migration of African Americans to northern urban areas brought higher mortality

Laura Carstensen says we need to redesign culture to account for longer lifespans

James P Smith and colleagues review forces affecting healthy aging in China

Christine Cigolle finds falls among seniors up 30% over past 12 years

Emma Aguila, Arie Kapteyn, and James Smith find income supplements benefit health of poor elderly Mexicans


Laura Carstensen challenges notion that old age is depressing time of life

Philip Cook discusses benefits of smart guns as component of firearms regulation

Helen Levy and Kenneth M. Langa find older Americans may not enjoy benefits of internet-based health information

Richard Hodes invites comments on NIA’s 2015 Strategic Directions for Research on Aging

Laura Carstensen confronts claims by “brain game” makers about their benefits for cognition and memory

Stanford Center on Longevity issues design challenge to students

Thomas Anderson and Hans-Peter Kohler say social and economic barriers in South Korea contribute to aging population

Longevity and Genetics Conference explores developments in biotechnology, personal genomics, and quantified self

Hurd and Rohwedder find singles less financially prepared for retirement than married couples

Vicki Freedman and Spillman find nearly half of those 65+ need some daily assistance

Work by Sanjay Basu (Stanford) and colleagues finds depression more likely among unemployed in U.S. than in Europe

Lisa Berkman (Harvard) says policies needed to address ‘disruptive experience’ of job loss

National report shows impact of aging among Americans 65+

What a “just-in-time” information request from NIA signals about the ultimate success of your application

Work by Susann Rohwedder and Robert Willis on retirement and cognition cited in NYT

Katherine Baicker says mortality decrease in Massachusetts shows impact of legal mandate for health insurance

Mary McEniry and Robert F. Schoeni host Conference on Long-run Impacts of Early Life Events

Robert Willis (Michigan) and Joanne Hsu find dementia impacts financial decision making among Americans over 50

Work of Kaare Christensen and Anatoliy Yashin (Duke) featured in article on old age dementia

Heather Howard (Princeton) comments on state variation in outreach for insurance enrollment

Uwe Reinhardt (Princeton) says replace individual insurance mandate

Michael Hurd and Susann Rohwedder (RAND) find variation in retirement spending based on wealth

Eric Kingson (Syracuse) says senior rights movement needs strong leadership

Vicki Freedman (Michigan) finds caring for husband adds to wife’s happiness

Heather Howard (Princeton) comments on state insurance exchanges on NPR



James Smith (RAND) wins Cozzarelli Prize from PNAS

Laura Carstensen (Stanford) honored as one of AARP’s most influential aging advocates

James S. Jackson elected president of COSSA

Eileen Crimmins (USC-UCLA) wins GSA’s 2012 Kleemeier Award

Linda Waite (Chicago) gives Matilda White Riley Lecture, October 22, 2012

Kevin Volpp (U-Penn) elected to Institute of Medicine

Jay Olshansky (Chicago) discusses declines in life expectancy for low-educated whites

Olivia Mitchell (U Penn) looks at opt-out version of 401(k) in Bloomberg BusinessWeek

Anatoli Yashin (Duke) receives Mindel Sheps Award for contributions to demographic research methodologies

Kenneth M. Langa gives plenary on Alzheimer’s treatment and prevention

Linda Waite, Deborah Carr, Laura Carstensen and Toni Antonucci comment on living alone without loneliness

Health and Retirement Study adds genetic data to NIH database

Toni Antonucci (Michigan) says good friends increase feelings of worth and meaning, especially as we age

Kenneth M. Langa (Michigan) says care-giving resources for dementia key public policy issue

Helen Levy (Michigan) featured in story on U-M faculty advisors to White House

William H. Frey (Michigan) tells NYT unmarried boomers face greater economic hardships than married counterparts

Ana Diez Roux notes that life expectancy is rising with weak economy as during Great Depression

William H. Frey says age of senior citizen status a “gray area”

U-Penn’s Claudia Valeggia wins Presidential Early Career Award for work in Argentina

David Wise (NBER) and Daniel Kahneman (Princeton) elected Distinguished Fellows by AEA

Brigitte Madrian and David Laibson (Harvard) and James Choi (Yale) receive TIAA-CREF award for work on financial security

Data from pilot wave of Longitudinal Aging Study in India (LASI) now available

David Weir says years near end of work life best time for retirement savings (USN&WR)

NIA and WHO release report on Global Health and Aging

PRB publishes report on life expectancy trends in high-income countries

PRB releases report on volunteering and health for aging populations

Recent web article from PRB examines how centenarians’ genes and habits provide clues to longevity

Helen Levy (Michigan) discusses federally mandated state health insurance exchanges









Oct 20

Symposium: The Symposium on Healthy Aging

Chicago Theological Seminary and Online


Dec 06

Conference: Aging and Health Informatics Conference

Online & The University of Texas at Austin

May 14

Webinar: Health Care After the Pandemic: What Will Change? (PARC)

Rachel Werner (Executive Director, Penn LDI, Medicine and Health Care Management)


Jul 08

Seminar: Work as a Social Determinant of Health and Aging

Lisa Berkman (Director, Harvard Center for Population and Development Studies (HCPDS), Harvard School of Public Health)


May 29

Seminar: DemSemX – Designing COVID-19 Research

Wendy Manning (Bowling Green State University), Elizabeth Wrigley-Field (Minnesota)


May 21

Symposium: Michigan Center on the Demography of Aging (MiCDA) Research Symposium 2020

Colter Mitchell (PSC, U of M), Jessica Faul (PSC, U of M), HwaJung Choi (MiCDA, U of M), David S. Johnson (PSC, U of M), Yajuan Si (PSC, U of M), Lindsay Kobayashi (MiCDA, U of M), Frederick G. Conrad (PSC, U of M), Neika Sharifian (Psychology, U-M), Noah J. Webster (MiCDA, U of M)


Feb 14

Webinar: Legacy of Syphilis Study and Ethical Considerations for Health Disparities Research with Older Adults: A Bioethics Dialogue

Stephen O. Sodeke (Bioethicist and Professor of Allied Health Sciences and Bioethics, Tuskegee University College of Arts and Science)

Webinar: 9AM Pacific


Aug 12

Workshop: Longitudinal Data Analysis, Including Categorical Outcomes

Donald Hedeker (Professor of Biostatistics, Public Health Sciences, University of Chicago)

ICPSR -- Ann Arbor, MI

Jul 10

Workshop: An Introduction to Entity Resolution with Rebecca Steorts

Rebecca C. Steorts (Assistant Professor, Statistical Science, Duke University)

1430 ISR-Thompson

Jun 10

Workshop: Panel Study of Income Dynamics (PSID) Data User Workshop

Paula Fomby (PSC, U of M), Charles C. Brown (PSC, U of M), Steven Heeringa (PSC, U of M), David S. Johnson (PSC, U of M), Narayan Sastry (PSC, U of M), Noura Insolera (U of M), Katherine McGonagle (U of M), Paul Juska

ICPSR - Ann Arbor, MI

Jun 06

Workshop: Digital Demography in the Era of Big Data

Institute of Statistics and Cartography, Seville, Spain

Jun 04

Workshop: Network Analysis: Overview and Applications To Population Science

Ceren Budak (Assistant Professor, School of Information), Daniel Romero (Assistant Professor, School of Information)

ISR Thompson 1430

May 17

Symposium: Health and Retirement: Expectations, Cognition and Behavior

Robert Willis (Survey Research Center, U-M), David Lam (PSC, U of M), Margaret Levenstein (PSC, U of M), David Weir (PSC, U of M), Robert F. Schoeni (PSC, U of M), HwaJung Choi (MiCDA, U of M), Joelle Abramowitz (MiCDA, U of M), Matthew D. Shapiro (PSC, U of M), Pamela Giustinelli (Economics)

ISR Thompson

Mar 28

Symposium: MiCDA Pilot Project Symposium

Sarah Burgard (PSC, U of M), Roshanak Mehdipanah (MiCDA, U of M), Melissa Y. Wei (MiCDA, U of M), Kristine J. Ajrouch (MiCDA, U of M), Sela Panapasa (MiCDA, U of M), Joshua Ehrlich (MiCDA, U of M)

1430 ISR Thompson

Jan 04

Meeting: ASSA Annual Meeting

Atlanta Marriott Marquis Hotel, Atlanta, GA


Nov 07

Symposium: The Future of Social Security – Michigan Forum

Henry Aaron (Senior Fellow, Brookings Institution), Jason Fichtner (Former Deputy Commissioner (Acting) and Chief Economist, Social Security Administration), John Laitner (MiCDA, U of M), Thomas C. Buchmueller (PSC, U of M), Helen Levy (PSC, U of M), H. Luke Shaefer (PSC, U of M)

Michigan League Building, Vandenberg Room

Oct 31

Symposium: 2020 Census: Citizenship, Science, Politics, and Privacy

Gary Peters (US Senate), Al Fontenot (Associate Director, Decennial Census Program, U.S. Census Bureau), Barbara A. Anderson (PSC, U of M), James S. House (PSC, U of M), Joelle Abramowitz (MiCDA, U of M), Jason Owen-Smith (PSC, U of M), Jeffrey Morenoff (PSC, U of M), Margaret Levenstein (PSC, U of M), Jowei Chen (Research Associate Professor, Center for Political Studies, ISR)

1430 ISR

Oct 23

Workshop: Total Survey Error: A Framework for High Quality Survey Design

Brady T. West (PSC, U of M), Paul Schulz (Population Studies Center, U-M)

1430 ISR Thompson

May 07

Event: MiCDA Pilot Project Symposium & Reception

Neil Mehta (PSC, U of M), Courtney Allyn Polenick (MiCDA, U of M), Lauren Schmitz (MiCDA, U of M), Christine Cigolle (MiCDA, U of M), Laura Beth Zahodne (MiCDA, U of M), Jessica Faul (PSC, U of M), Kate Duchowny , Tiffany Jantz

1430 ISR-Thompson

May 04

Workshop: Inequality and Aging

University of Hohenheim, Germany

Mar 26

Conference: Aging in America 2018

Hilton San Francisco Union Square


Nov 08

Meeting: NIA Directors Regional Meeting on Aging Research

University of Colorado, Denver, Nighthorse Campbell Native Health Building

Aug 12

Conference: 2017 Meeting of the American Sociological Association

Palais des Congrès de Montréal in Montréal, Québec

Jul 23

Conference: IAGG 2017 World Congress

Moscone Center, San Francisco